It’s the season for protective hairstyle, and here is a great tutorial for naturals who are seeking protective hairstyles for the cold months.
The hair she used in this tutorial is BetterLength 18″ Afro Kinky Coily clip ins.
Step One
Do 4 flat twists in the back that’s where the clip ins are going to go , this is going to be your leave out cover those tracks so they are not showing.
Step Two
Make sure you’re measuring the clip ins to fit your head, clip in the back of your hair and make sure you clip them onto the flat twist only.
Step Three
Go ahead to put more clip ins for enough fullness you want.
Once you have added the clip ins, moisturize the hair, spray it with water and then take hair define curls.
Step Four
Take edge control to slick your edges.
Step Five
Add those leftover clip ins to the top knot to make it a lot bigger.
Here is the finished look
Video created by @Bubs Bee