5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins

What’s your go-to summer hairstyle? If you do not want to spend a lot of time styling your natural hair in hot summer days, but still want to make your natural hair looks cute during the summertime. Then these 5 simple and cute summer styles that you must be try. The textured BetterLength clip ins or drawstring ponytail can make the styles easier and more gorgeous.


It is a quick and simple hairstyle you can do for this hot summer days is Top knot buns. And our natural textured clip ins are perfect way to add volume to your buns and protect your buns.


onebun - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins

Buy this textured clip in used in the video here: https://www.betterlength.com/clipin-hair-extensions-c-1/kinky-coarse-clipin-set-p-65


twobuns - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins

Buy this textured clip ins used in the video here: https://www.betterlength.com/clipin-hair-extensions-c-1/afro-kinky-curly-clipin-set-p-67

Spice up your regular bun styles? Trying the following ways:

spiceupregularbuns - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins


This is an another elegant way to keep your hair away from your face. You can leave one bun or two buns on the top of your head and leaving the back portion of your natural hair. For this style, you can make a protective style using our textured clip ins. I talking protective style hair meaning that you can braids the back of your natural hair and then put your BetterLength Textured clip ins Piece by piece to cover the braids/twists.

Below is two Half up buns styles that created using our kinky curly (3b-3c hair) and Afro kinky curly (3c-4a ) clip ins.

halfupbuns - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins

Buy this textured clip in used in the video here: https://www.betterlength.com/clipin-hair-extensions-c-1/kinky-curly-clipin-set-p-66


Ponytails are really a timeless popular classic hairstyle you must be try in hot summer hairstyles. In this style, your hair will be away from your face and body which will make you feel cool, relaxed and comfortable.

Do you want to take your ponytail hairstyle to the next level? Then you must try to add some Betterlength Textured clip ins for extra length and volume.

High Sleek Ponytail

Highponytail - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins

Buy this textured clip in used in the video here:


Low Sleek Ponytail

Lowsleekponytail - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins

Buy this textured clip in used in the video here:


If you have no times to do the ponytails and looking for easier and quicker way, then definitely check our drawstring Ponytails, which are designed for natural hair. Different from your synthetic drawstring ponytail, our drawstring ponytail are made of 100% virgin human hair which can be last longer and dyed, styles just like your own hair. You can purchase your 100% human hair Drawstring Ponytail here:


drawstring ponytail - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins



Braids are definitely a cool hairstyle that you can wear work, school even gym. Your textured BetterLength clip ins can help you to add some extra length for this style.

Braids - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins

Buy this textured clip in used in the video here:



This style can be worn for any occasions. Want to make this styles looks and feel more natural? Don’t forget to add some of your BetterLength Natural curly clip ins.

Sidepuff - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins

Buy this textured clip in used in the video here:


We’d love to know what’s your go-to summer hairstyles. Share your gorgeous pics through Instagram. If you want to see more tutorials about how to rock your clip ins, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram.

Looking for textured clip ins that match your natural hair, check out: www.betterlength.com  We are specialized in making textured clip ins.

textured clip ins - 5 Trendy Summer Natural Hairstyles You Must Be Try Using Your Textured Clip Ins