Hello! Just wanted to stop by and say that I've never worn clip ins before, let alone some that matches my natural hair texture and I'm in love! I had one bundle of the 14" Afro Kinky Coily 4b-4c and dyed them to match my hair color. I'm a happy customeršŸ˜Š


Hey!! I just wanted to give y'all a BIG thank you ! I purchased the afro kinky coily clip ins and have been rocking them for a few days now. I am BEYOND satisfied with this hair I love it !šŸ˜šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤— Day two twist out on the hairšŸ˜Š


I LOVE THESE CLIP-INS! Iā€™ve had mine for just about a year and theyā€™re still my go to. It doesnā€™t take much to put them in, sometimes I donā€™t even braid my hair...Iā€™ll do a low bun! I love how I only needed one bundle for my entire head. I can do pretty much any style with that one bundle (a big pineapple is my fav/middle part is my go to) I love them! I ordered 14 in, btw.

by - 12/08/2020

I am absolutely so greatful for these clip ins. The fact that they match my hair type with product in or out is amazing. I am able to blend very well especially while product is in my hair. My hair is already naturally very thick but this adds more length and volume . I love the fact that you can treat this like your own hair growing out of your head. I have received so many compliments on this hair. Everyone thinks these clip ins are my naturally hair but I have to give credit and say these are betterlength clip ins! Thank you for creating such a beneficial investment!!!

by - 03/29/2019

Hi! I just wanted to say that I absolutely love this hair!!! Bought the afro kinky coily clip-ins set 16 ins earlier this year but didn't get a chance to install until recently. I was floored at the amazing results. It's been my go-to during this pandemic! I bleached it a little to blend with my hair color and it was seamless! The texture and volume are top notch and I would definitely recommend.


I rock them everyday! People I work with ask me how I grew my hair?! And is this how my hair looks blown out! Yall these are people I work with everyday that are asking me this! The blend is so perfect I forget this isnt mine hair! Then on top of that my real hair in put away and protected in a ponytail! I'm buying again so I can have a variety of styles! Thank you guys LAWT thank yall!
